The Lunatic Zombies Collection
Last updated
The Lunatic Zombies Collection
Last updated
Lunatic Zombies has a short term goal to provide the greatest reward to all involved.
Our approach is different from the rest of collections, lunatic zombies will have seasons which will go around the progress and decisions of the community, we think in the long term but with peripheral view as well as the maximum value will be provided both for the education of the community about web3, blockchain and cryptocurrencies as help for internal projects of the members.
We are a collection driven by innovation in the industry, and we will work in such a way that lunatic zombies will reach the top of the industry.
Each Lunatic Zombie is unique and is programmatically generated from over 122 possible traits. All Lunatic Zombies are amazing, but some are rarer than others.
When you purchase a Lunatic Zombie you not only get one more NFT, you get a membership and secret key that will unlock access to benefits and rewards that will be announced for owning the collection.