It's just the beginning
The future of lunatic zombies is not limited to being a long term project, we have said before that we are more than a collection we do not have a roadmap we have seasons which will be developing and collaborating with other projects.
What will you get?
by having a lunatic zombies, you automatically enter a mega draw of $5000 that will be distributed among 35 winners, but that's not all by being part of the community there will also be periodic surprise prizes that may vary we will give more information soon.
Commercial Rights
Ownership and commercial use rights granted to the consumer over his or her NFT
We want to give back the value that the community gives us and reward as much as we can to our holders, with this we start the dynamic operation of the community, we do not want to be the typical stagnant community that does not grow, we will be different, because we build different.
Season 1
Mint of 2222 Lunatic Zombies
Creation of the discord community
Holder exclusive drops
Development of seasons and chapters
Whitelist opportunities for holders only
Brand Development (E-commerce)
Your NFT will be a superstar...
Last updated